Sunday, November 28, 2010

Not Dead

So, just like the title says, I'm in fact Not Dead.  See?  If you don't see any posts for a while... well... I can't promise I'll put much on here anyway.  I'll try to put something up every week or so.  I'm only traveling for 9 weeks anyway.

I'm packing up all of my things and looking for a new job in Seoul or Busan, South Korea for Feb or March 2011.  I've had some offers, but I'm looking for something that's at least 2,000usd with medical and pension at a hagwon (not public school).  I'm leaving most of my things here in Gwangju, South Korea with friends, so I could come get it when I get back.  Let me know if you guys want anything from anywhere.

First stop: Bangkok, Thailand.  4pm Wednes 08 Dec 2010.  I'm trying to find someone on the Internet that'll let me crash at their pad for a while and give me some tips on what to do next.

Last stop: Hanoi, Vietnam.  08 Feb 2011.